Wayne County Development Alliance, Inc.

Wayne County, NC

Trailblazing in Wayne County

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  noun \ˈtrāl-ˌblā-zər\

: a person who makes, does, or discovers something new and makes it acceptable or popular


Eight years ago, Wayne County introduced the Wayne Opportunity Keys for Success (WORKS) to focus on workforce development. Our program was so well received that it was adopted by the regional economic development organization for Eastern North Carolina. Soon after, it became the model for workforce development in the Eastern North Carolina.


In 2013, Wayne County was designated as the first ever Certified WorkReady Community in the state. This designation came as the result of a lot of hard work and dedication. We owe the success of the WORKS program to the partnerships that existed between the county, the school system and Wayne Community College. These partnerships paved a way to integrate Career Readiness Certification into the community college and public school system curriculum.


Currently, Wayne County has the highest amount of Careers Readiness Certificates awarded in the state. In fact, 24% of Wayne County’s workforce is career readiness certified – again, the highest in the state. Wayne County was the first county in North Carolina that was designated as a Certified WorkReady Community. Additionally, there are seven STEM labs in the middle schools throughout the county, giving middle-aged school kids exposure to possible career options in manufacturing at an early age.


Wayne County is proud to be a trailblazer in workforce development in North Carolina. Everyone in Wayne County understands that it is our job to grow our own and to ensure that our workforce is prepared to tackle the demands of the businesses and industries throughout the county.

Author: WCDA, Inc.

Dedicated to the economic advancement of Wayne County and its people by the creation of meaningful jobs and purposeful capital investments

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